Pivotware 7.6.3 - Addresses Database Collation, Certain Reporting Issues and More

A new minor version of Pivotware just released. See here for the latest additions.

Bug Fixes

[Infinity Client] "Continue on max attempts reached" feature does not work

When the max number of attempts is reached during the Action Tool execution, then Infinity Client did not automatically cancel the step and continued to execute the process to the next step. Using the new version of Infinity Client fixes that issue.

[CVI Fusion] Error appearing during report generation if database’s collation is Case Sensitive

An error was raised by CVI Fusion when trying to reach the SQL database if it was wrongly configured: if the “Collation” of the database was set to a value with “CS” (for example: "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS"), meaning for Case Sensitive, then the queries made by CVI Fusion were failing. Use the new version of CVI Fusion fixes error when querying database with a Case Sensitive collation.

Error appearing when reporting on Action TCP/IP steps with empty result frames

An error was raised by CVI Fusion when trying to generate a report with Action TCP/IP steps that contain no result frame as result/answer.

Use the new version of CVI Fusion fixes error when querying database with a Case Sensitive collation.

For more information about the new functionality or bug fixes, please see the full release notes here or contact support here to ask for a download link

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