Pivotware 7.1 - Infinity Software Only (SOLO), New File Functions, PDF Reports & more

A new major version of Pivotware was just released. See here for the latest additions.

New Features

Infinity SOLO (Software Only Licence Option)

Infinity Client and Infinity Module are no longer required to use Desoutter supplied hardware. You can install on any machine that meets software's minimum requirements. This allows you to reduce costs, increase flexibility and improve performance.

- See here the article detailing all minimum requirements for v7.1 software

Logic File Search -> Logic File Function

The Logic File Search just got a makeover. Now this step is called Logic File Function and it allows you do much more than just search a file data.

Logic File Function now allows users the following modes:

Write To File

Users can use this mode type to write values to a CSV format text file. This can be used to update existing files or create new files depending on configuration. Users can define whether they wish to write at the beginning or end of the defined file.

Move File

Users can use this mode type to move files from one location to another. Users can define if they original file should kept or not allowing for flexibility when integrate with high level systems over a file exchange.

Search File

Users can use this mode type to search for specific data inside columns of a CSV format text file and retrieve specific column in return at matching row level. This mode has been enhanced to give greater flexibility, see 'Enhancements' below.

Print Cycle PDF Report

Infinity Client is now able to generate a PDF report of the current cycle with any use of a printer asset. Users can add their own logo and define the display options of the printed reports such as whether to show users, asset, final step date only and which steps types are included in the report.


Check for blank/null value in Logic Decision step cases

A blank/null value is now accepted as a valid case for a Logic Decision step.

Keyboard can be used for user input on Action Digital Picking steps

In previous version, users could only use connected scanners to enter data into Action Digital Picking steps. Users can now configure they use of an on-screen keyboard.

Enhanced Printer Connectivity

In order to accommodate the wider use of different hardware in Pivotware from v7.1, we have worked to accommodate a greater mix of printer drivers and template media. For instance, users can now send "any" file type and content to a Zebra printer at their own risk if the printer does not understand the content.

"Show Final Step Data Only" option available in Infinty Client local reporting

The "Show Final Step Data Only" option was already available in CVI Fusion reporting. It show only the last "sub-step" data recorded against a step. It is now an available option in Infinity Client local reporting.

For more information about these announcements please contact support here

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