Pivotware 7.2 - Go back to previous steps, Park Cycles for later use, New User Levels & more

A new major version of Pivotware was just released. See here for the latest additions. 

New Features

Go Back to previous step(s)

A “Go Back” button can now be configured and displayed on screen of Infinity Client. When this button is pressed, Infinity Client returns to the last executed step by the user. Users can go back to the following steps:

- Action Camera

- Action Confirmation

- Action Data IN (only if it’s configured using protocol USB HID, Manual Entry, RS232 or an asset)

- Action Digital IN

- Action Digital Picking

- Action Selection

- Action Tool

- Plugin Custom

Park and Restore Cycles

Sometimes during production, one may need to park a part, work on something else come back later to the original item. Park and Restore has been added to handle such cases.

Local Traceability TCP Port Customisation

By default, Infinity Client uses the TCP Port 8080 to send step/cycle results to it's local traceability. In prior versions, this port was not changeable. This could cause conflict with other software(s) that were also using the same port. From 7.3, Infinity Client can be modified to use a different port for this process.

Administrator User Level

“Administrator” has been included as a new user level in Pivotware. In CVI Fusion, go to User Manager and open an existing project or create a new one. It’s now possible to set the User Type to Administrator, Supervisor or Operator.

Existing supervisor are migrated to an administrator account type.

Error handling: Alert Codes

During the execution of steps all along the process, some alerts can occur and are raised on-screen; such as: Incorrect Stage, Timeout, Plugin Not Loaded, PSet Precheck Failed, Scan doesn’t match...

In previous releases, these on-screen alert messages were only available in-cycle and in traceability for reference purposes. In this new release, alert codes and their number are available as a Previous Step Result allowing users to make logical decision based on a raised errors.

Bug Fixes

Screen Background is not shown if step raises an error during execution

When an error was occurring at the beginning of some step, the screen background image was not always displayed.

Couldn't enable the tool for Atlas PM4000 controller

PM4000 controller doesn’t handle some MID such as MID0216 – Use Relay Subscription. Infinity was still sending that MID even if it was not set on Open Protocol Multitool asset.

No conversion of torque settings when applying new torque settings

When applying new torque settings to the controller that is using different units, the torque value was not converted to the controller’s unit.

No update of the status of the asset into the System Diagnostic interface

When a disconnection of the tool occurred, Infinity was not seeing it correctly and the tool was not automatically re-initialized once the connection was re-established.

The Undone icon is not properly set when using Go Back on a cycle Parked and Restored

When restoring a cycle, if a go back action was done to come back on a step executed before the restoration, then the Undone status and icon   was displayed on the step where Infinity jumped.

Concurrent tool mode not showing images

Configured in Concurrent tool mode, Infinity was not showing the defined screen background pictures.

For more information about the new functionality or bug fixes, please contact support here 

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