PivotWare 8.1.1 has been released !!

PivotWare 8.1.1 has now been released.

Get in touch with your remote support team to get the corresponding versions

Two features are now available, alongside some changes to one of the existing features:

Updated feature - Send identifier (UID) at step start:

The feature now allows you to select within PivotWare UID only a part of the string to be used as an Identifier.

To achieve this, you can select the starting character then specify the string length.

If you are using this feature, be sure to update your PivotWare configuration when moving to this version:

New feature - Send Step name:

It is now possible to send, either alongside the Identifier or alone, the step name.

When the feature is enabled, you will be able to select which part of the step name you wish to send.

Step Name and Identifier fields will be concatenated when both options are selected.

New feature - TCP Connection time out: 

The Action TCP/IP step Wait for Frame mode now raises a Time Out alert when reaching the time out property value.

Furthermore, it is now possible to have a PRIM connected to the computer running CVIFusion without facing system slow- down upon saving the process.

Liquid error: translation data {:other=>"%{count} 人 "} can not be used with :count => 1. key 'one' is missing.
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