DeMeter version 2.10 has been released

DeMeter version 2.10 has now been released.

This version is compatible with Open Protocol Adaptor version and DeMeter Collector

Warningplease note that this version is not compatible with the current version of the DeMeter Assistant. If you are using Alerts alongside the DeMeter Assistant, please wait for the new DeMeter Assistant version to be made available before installing the version.

Version 2.10 New Features:

DeMeter 2.10 brings new features and new widgets to DeMeter.


Several new widgets have been made available to provide statistics analysis of your tightening results:

- Active Contexts: this widget provides an overview, for all contexts selected for analysis, of their respective Cp/Cpk. It also provides some key characteristics such as the TU name, the TU number, the Tool number and the Pset number.
Furthermore, selecting any of the context via this widget will automatically apply the selection to all Statistics analysis widgets.

Note: a context is the combination of a Tightening Controller, a Tool and a Pset.

- Context Statistics Overview: this widget shows statistics calculation for a given context. It includes values such as 6sigma, Capability Cp, Capability Cpk.
These values are only displayed upon selecting one of the available context via the Active Contexts widget.

Note: this analysis can be done either for the Torque or for the Angle, but not both simultaneously. If you wish to analyse both, you will need to add two widgets with differing options: either Angle or Torque must be selected for analysis.

- SPC Xbar-R charts: this widget's charts monitor the mean and range of subgroups of Tightening Results for a selected Context  (see the Active Contexts widget).

As for the Context Statistics Overview, this widget needs to be configured to run an analysis either over the Torque or the Angle. If you wish to use the analysis across both values, you will need to use 2 different widgets, each one set for a different value.

Frequency Distribution: this widgets shows the tightening result distribution across automatically computed intervals of either Torque or Angle.
The analysis can be performed regardless of the selection of a context, i.e. it can run the analysis across several different contexts.

Results over timethis widgets shows the number of results and across a period of time. While the widget can provide information over all available results, selecting a specific context will narrow down the analysis over said context.

Feel free to contact your remote software support team if you wish to get the latest software version, or require further details about the version.

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