
The CVI3 controller family offers the option, when and where necessary, to repair any connected e-Pod. This allows for the system to correct any issue linked to a potential e-Pod failure.



1- Pre- requisites

2- CVI3Vision - Twin CVI3

3- CVI3Fonction - CVI3Essential

1- Pre- requisites   

Ensure the following before running the Repair procedure:

  • You are not running any tightening / you are not in production.
  • Your tightening results have been retrieved.

2- CVI3Vision - Twin CVI3    

Ensure your e-Pod is properly connected.

  • Click the main menu icon

  • Once the window is open, navigate to Maintenance > e-POD then click on Repair.

  • Once the system starts, wait for the process to run its course:

Once the process is complete, the system exits and brings you back to the home page.

3- CVI3Fonction - CVI3Essential    

  • On the controller keypad, press the "Escape" button to enter the main menu. You should see "Control Mode" like here:
  • Use the Up / Down arrows to navigate to the e-Pod menu. Click Enter.
  • Click Repair in the menu.
  • Once the system starts, wait for the process to run its course. The system exits and brings you back to the default landing page once complete.