This Article Applies From:
CVI Fusion
Infinity Client
Infinity Module


Sometimes during production, one may need to park a part, work on other part and come back later to the first part.
The Park and Restore feature allows you to handle such scenarii.

An example of a process with the feature enabled is attached to this article as a reference.



1 - Park and Restore: Operation Overview  

     1.1 - Using the Park and Restore option  

     1.2 - Traceability status for Parked and Restored cycles  

     1.3 - Restrictions  

2 - Enabling Park and Restore  

1 - Park and Restore: Operation Overview  

1.1 - Using the Park and Restore option  

After enabling the Park and Restore feature at a station then receiving a valid UID or SEQ at said station, the Park Cycle Button is available on Infinity Client HMI.

If the operator clicks on the button, Infinity Client pauses the current cycle and automatically starts a new one: the parked cycle is stored in a local database to be Restored at a later stage. The operator can then start working on another part.

The operator can restore a parked cycle by clicking the Restore Cycle button at any point in time, even while another running another process. In such a case, the current process is backed up to be restored afterwards.

Note: it is always best to Restore a cycle after stopping completing the current process.

The operator can then select the cycle he wishes to restore from the Restore Cycle popup menu.

The following options are available:

  • Restore: the process selected in the list of available cycles is restored for operations. The operator can resume operations starting from the step he choose to Park the cycle.
  • Cancel: the operator closes the popup without restoring any cycle.
  • Delete: only available to Supervisor or Administrator. This deletes the parked cycle from the list of available processes.

Note: that it is possible to search for a specific UID or SEQ from the list of parked cycles. The number to look for can either be provided using the keyboard or scanning a QR code / barcode.

1.2 - Traceability status for Parked and Restored cycles  

A Parked Cycle will be shown as being incomplete in the traceability: all steps successfully performed will see their status updated accordingly. However, the step at which the operator selected to park the cycle will be considered as Fail \ Incomplete.

Once the cycle is Restored and all subsequent steps have been performed, all status will be merged into a single report entry showing the correct status.

If the parked cycle, though, is Deleted from the pop- up menu, the cycle will be updated to show the part as being Scrapped \ Incomplete from the step it had been stored onward.

1.3 - Restrictions  

Several restrictions apply when working with Park and Restore:

  • When working with CoreService, it is mandatory to use database revision 6.20.02 or higher.
  • Park and Restore can only be used for cycles using the same process revision: if a process is updated and a previously parked cycle is restored, an error message will be raised to signal the inconsistency. Pivotware will not be able to complete the cycle. This limitation can be explained by the risk of restoring a process with a set of instructions not compatible with the updated process.

2 - Enabling Park and Restore  

Park and Restore feature is disabled by default. In order to enable it for each station:

  • Open the Process Manager panel, click on the station you wish to enable the feature for.
  • Select the Process Configuration panel.
  • Expand the Locked Operations menu.

It is then possible to choose the Operator Profile being permitted to either Park or Restore a cycle from the Locked Operations menu. Save the station once your selection is done.

Reminder: deleting a Parked cycle is restricted to Supervisor and Administrator profiles regardless of the above selection.

Once the feature has been enabled at the station level, open the Feature Manager panel then Activate the Park and Restore feature.

Finally, save then deploy the process to the target station: you are now able to use the feature.
