This Article Applies From:
CVIConfig2.3.9.4 | Connect2.3.0.3 | CVI3 | DeMeter 2.8.1 |
The present article describes the procedure to set, via CVIConfig, any Desoutter controller (CVI3 / CONNECT) to send traceability data to DeMeter.
This procedure does not apply to CVIxII product family.
TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 - Configuring the controllers 2.1 - Tightening results retrieval 2.2 - User Information retrieval 3 - Further readings |
1 - Pre-requisites
1.1 - Suggested readings
1.2 - System state
- DeMeter and DeMeter Collector have been installed. The corresponding services are running.
- Controllers must be loaded with version or above.
- Installed CVIConfig version must be or above.
2 - Configuring the controllers
The procedure below applies to both CVI3 and CONNECT controllers.
2.1 - Tightening results retrieval
- Open CVIConfig.
- Expand the menu for the target controller then select Networks.
- Open the CVINet panel: this will allow you to configure your controller to send tightening data to DeMeter.
- Enable DeMeter data collection by enabling CVINet data collection.
- Fill- in the DeMeter server connection details.
Note: Port number is the port number setup for DeMeter Collector at the time of installation. Please refer to DeMeter installation procedure as a reference. - Set your data collection options for your target results to be sent over to DeMeter.
- Assembly Process Results option is not yet supported by DeMeter.
- User info option does not apply to DeMeter.
- The CVINet view is currently under rework to better reflect its usefulness to both CVINet settings and DeMeter settings.
- Set controller's buffer behaviour.
This setting is especially important in the event of a connection loss to DeMeter: the buffer only increases when a controller fails to forward data to the connected data retrieval system.Note:
- When enabling either option, the controller will prevent the system from performing any new tightening if the specified buffer size is reached.
- The Buffer (FIFO) size setting only applies to numerical results. To setup the buffer size for Curves, please use the Curves stored per tool in the Tightening UnitConfiguration menu. - Transfer the configuration to the target controller.
2.2 - User Information retrieval
- Open the DeMeter panel from the target controller Networks menu in CVIConfig.
- Enable DeMeter data collection.
- Fill in the IP address field with the target DeMeter server adress.
- Enable User Info.
- Transfer the configuration to the target controller.
Note that there is an additional setting in this window for the configuration of the curves:
The setting core purpose is to provide information about CVINet fields needing configuration for the tightening results to be retrieved via DeMeter: providing CVINet fields are properly configured, tightening results will be displayed in DeMeter, even if said check box is left unchecked.
3 - Further readings
Please refer to the following articles to further explore DeMeter: