This Article Applies From:
CVI Fusion 8.2.2 | Infinity Client 8.2.2 | Infinity Module 8.2.2 | Core Services 8.2.2 | DeMeter 2.9.3 | CVI Net Web | Other Applicable Versions |
This article explains how to set PivotWare to send data to a DeMeter server, but also details the various information that can be retrieved from any station setup on the line.
1- Pre- requisites
1.1 - Suggested readings
1.2 - System state
- DeMeter has been installed and all services are running.
- CVIFusion has been installed.
- Infinity client software has been installed.
2 - PivotWare to DeMeter connection settings
Each Infinity Client can be independently set to transfer data to DeMeter.
For each station that needs to be so set:
- Click on the station to configure in CVIFusion then open the Station panel.
- Expand the Fusion Core Comms panel.
- Enable DeMeter by toggling the corresponding switch.
The following settings are required:
1 - Broker IP and Broker Port: the IP address of the server running DeMeter, alongside the opened port on the server. Pivotware will use this setting to send the various traceability information to the DeMeter server.
2- API IP and API Port: the IP of the server running DeMeter, alongside the API port configured on the server. These settings will be used by Pivotware to retrieve Open Alerts configuration (see chapter 5.3 - Configuring Pivotware Operator calls - DeMeter use case).
Note: the port number for both must match your DeMeter server settings. Therefore the default value may have to be updated to match your installation: please be sure to check the DeMeter installation procedure if needed.
3- Use HTTPS toggle switch: it needs to be switched on if a Certificate has been installed for your DeMeter server. This setting will also have a direct impact on the API Port setting described above, since you will need to use the API Secured Port (see DeMeter installation procedure).
After saving the station settings then saving the process project, deploy the process to the target Infinity Client: if everything is correctly setup, you should see the DeMeter logo appear on the Infinity Client:
- The logo is solid white when connection between DeMeter and Infinity Client station is up.
- The logo is solid red when connection between DeMeter and Infinity Client station is down.
- The logo is solid orange when only one of the two connection is up.
3 - Keeping track of the production targets
3.1 - Overview
PivotWare can be setup to send information about the number and status of produced parts to DeMeter.
This information is used against DeMeter targets settings to keep track of the overall number of parts that have been produced.
This analysis is based on two different status that can be setup at each PivotWare station:
- OK part: this status is typically setup at the very end of the production line (i.e. at the last PivotWare station, after the quality check) to mark a successfully produced part (i.e. no additional assembly actions are required - part is good to go).
- Rejected part: this status is typically set at any PivotWare station upon failing one or more step.
Each received status is associated to a part’s UID. Therefore, if a Rejected part is deemed good after passing through a repair station, and the process correctly reports this information back to DeMeter, the Quality report is going to be updated without changing the count of produced parts, nor the Performance.
The part status is used to update the following Key Performance Indicators (KPI) on your DeMeter dashboards:
- Availability.
- Performance.
- Quality.
- Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE).
3.2 - PivotWare configuration: produced parts
3.2.1 - Action Data Out step configuration for DeMeter
The Action Data Out step can be setup in your process to send a part’s status to DeMeter:
- Add the Action Data Out step to you process.
- Configure the Data Out properties to:
- Destination: DeMeter.
- Mode: this cannot be changed to anything other than Predefined.
- Type: it must be set to either Rejected part or OK part.
3.2.2 - Organising your process: principles
While the above describes how to setup Action Data Out step to send a part's status to DeMeter, it is also important to keep in mind that OK Part must only be sent to DeMeter when a part is ready to be shipped, i.e. all production steps have been successfully performed.
On the contrary, a part can be set as being Rejected at any point during the assembly process.
This means that the process for all Infinity Client on the line (save for the last station) must include an Action Data Out step that would set the part as being a Rejected Part. However, this step should only be run when:
- One critical step has failed.
- The process has not been fully run due to a step being Skipped or a part being Scrapped.
This can be best described using the flowchart below:
The last station in the line, however, is different: when running the process, the part can be set to either Rejected Part or OK Part depending on the status of the last steps within the process. A consequence is that the process needs to include 2 Action Data Out steps:
- The first will set the part to OK Part in DeMeter. It will only be run if no step within the final Infinity Client process fails, and all expected steps have been run.
- The second will set the part to Rejected Part in DeMeter. It will only be run if a step fails, or the process is not fully run.
This can be best summed-up using below flowchart:
3.2.3 - Organising your process: useful solutions
The flowcharts described in the previous section can be setup using a combination of the steps and options below:
- Tracker: DeMeter status can be set to Rejected part after setting the Tracker state. Since the tracker status can be linked to key steps, it can be assumed that a status set to failed can be associated to a Rejected part for DeMeter.
- Forcing the station to Always Run Finalize Steps: this is particularly useful if the operator or Infinity client administrator are given leave to use the Skip / Scrap parts buttons.
The process will always run through the steps under the Finalize Steps part of the process when this option is enabled, thus allowing you to set a piece as being a Rejected Part when scrapping it.
- Use of Logic End step: this step forces the process to exit the process. This can be useful for those installation where no Tracker is used. Please refer to Logic End Step Description for further details on the step usage.
- Use of Logic Decision: it allows the status of the part to be set on meeting a set of predefined conditions. Please refer to Logic Decision Description for further details on the step usage.
4 - Keeping track of the production speed
4.1 - Overview
PivotWare can be configured, regardless of any connection to DeMeter, to keep track of all production timing information.
However, coupled with DeMeter, it will be allow you to get the overall production trend, identify the stations that are slowing down your production, and check whether help is required at a specific station.
PivotWare lets you specify two key timing information:
- TAKT time: the ideal time to meet your required production target. Typically, if you need to produce 60 pieces within one hour, your TAKT time is 1 minute.
- Cycle time: the time it takes to run through the manufacturing process at any given station. This value is lower that the TAKT time.
4.2 - Configuring PivotWare: time monitoring
Both TAKT time and Cycle Time are configured at the station level via CVIFusion.
- Open a process file then click on any station.
- Expand the Process Configuration panel.
- Expand the Time Configuration panel.
- Configure the TAKT time:
- Enable the TAKT Time.
- Fill the Allowed Time field with your target TAKT Time.
- Error and Warning fields let you specify at which point the Infinity Station reports an error or a warning respectively.
- Start Point: allows you to select the step that will start the timer.
- End Point: allows you to select the step that will stop the timer. - Configure the Cycle time:
- Enable the Cycle Time option.
- Set the limits for both Error and Warning. The corresponding Cycle message will be raised upon reaching the specified limit.
- Set the Cycle Time Allowed Time value. You can choose among several options the information type:
a- Value: it allows you to set the timing details using a fixed value.
b- Percentage: it allows you to specify the cycle time as a percentage of the reference TAKT time.
c- Dynamic: the system will use all the steps with the Time Allocation option configured in the Step Timing pane. The sum of all the specified times will be the Cycle Time reference.
Note: both start point and end point can be set either at the start of the selected step, at the end of the selected step or when the first action is done for either step. - Transfer the configuration to the corresponding Infinity Client.
5 - Working with operator calls
5.1 - Overview
An Operator Call is a mean for an operator at a station to call for attentions on a situation requiring the input of a Key Role operator. PivotWare allows you to create up to 6 Operator Calls per station, then refine said call by creating up to 5 sub- calls for each.
While using only PivotWare, these calls can only be signaled to the right person using I/Os to, for example, switch on a dedicated light. Furthermore, they can only be acknowledged locally, and it is not possible for any Key Role operator to signal that he is working on a solution.
Using PivotWare, DeMeter and DeMeter Assistant together, though, gives you an additional level of integration and reporting.
When all three systems are connected together, an Operator Call at a station will automatically be reported via the corresponding DeMeter dashboard.
At the same time, any Key Role operator equipped with a smartphone loaded with the DeMeter Assistant will be notified of the alert. Said operator will then be free to signal whether he is taking charge of the issue or not, and whether the situation is resolved or needs to be escalated. All this will be reported in real time to DeMeter and the corresponding dashboard updated accordingly.
5.2 - Configuring PivotWare's Operator Calls - CVIFusion use case
Operator calls are configured at the station level in CVIFusion:
- Select a station within your process.
- Navigate to the Station panel then expand the Operator calls view.
- Click Manage Operator Calls then click New Call.
- Create the necessary Operator Calls, for a maximum of 6:
- Select the alarm profile: Engineer – Quality – Logistic – Other. The Key Users at your factory will be able to choose whether to be notified of all alarms, or only the ones he is in charge of.
- Select the alarm criticity: this priority will be used to sort the received alarms. - Additional Sub- calls can be used to expand on the previously created calls: each sub- call will inherit its parent call type (i.e. Engineer – Quality – Logistic - Other). However, the relative priority of each sub-call can be adapted to best reflect the reality of the line.
5.3 - Configuring PivotWare Operator Calls - DeMeter use case
Pivotware Operator Calls can be configured and shared directly via DeMeter, allowing you to easily share said configuration across all stations at the factory.
In order to configure Pivotware to retrieve Operator Calls settings:
- Ensure that you have setup the connection settings as per 2 - Pivotware to DeMeter connection settings, especially the API settings.
- Still in the Station tab, expand the Operator Calls field then check the Manage from DeMeter checkbox.
- Save the configuration then deploy it to the target station.
As a consequence, you will be able to access, from the Pivotware station, all Open Alerts configured in DeMeter.
6 - Further readings
The following articles detail the various steps to setup DeMeter to display the relevant PivotWare data: